Online Biology Tutor in UK

9 to 12 years

As we found out, in today’s world, students need some extra help to excel in difficult courses such as biology. In the teaching of biology in the curriculum adopted by the UK, students learn about organisms in key stage three then to further and specific study at A level for university or vocationate in bio science. Math Make Smart is ready to fill that gap through online biology tutoring that helps meet the needs of students at all possible academic levels.

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Are you searching for a “Biology Tutor Near you”? Who is an expert in UK-based curriculum? Say goodbye to all the exhausting in-person classes. We will connect you to our professional and experienced online Biology Tutors who will schedule one-on-one lessons with you.

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The Best Online Biology Tutors in the UK

Students are provided with a great opportunity to familiarize themselves with concepts in biology and receive professional assistance from our team of qualified biology tutors. Our Biology tutors at Math Make Smart provide one-on-one tutorial sessions to reach everyone to a level where he or she can understand the intricacies of biological concepts, including cell and genetic structures, ecosystems, and homeostasis systems.

Key Stage 3 (Ages 11-14)

At Key Stage 3, students are introduced to foundational biology concepts. This stage provides the basic knowledge needed for more advanced studies at the GCSE level and does not differentiate between foundation and higher tiers. A number of subjects are taught by tutors at Math Make Smart, such as cells and organisms, basic genetics, ecosystems, and health. Using edutainment, our tutors help students understand biology through fun-filled lessons, which creates a positive attitude towards the subject while preparing the learners for GCSE Biology.

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  • Cells and Organisation
    • Structure of animal and plant cells
    • Specialised cells and cell functions
    • Tissues, organs, and organ systems
  • Reproduction
    • Human reproductive system and menstrual cycle
    • Plant reproduction and seed formation
    • Puberty and adolescence
  • Health and Lifestyle
    • Importance of nutrition and balanced diets
    • Effects of drugs, alcohol, and smoking on the body
    • Exercise and health
  • Ecosystems
    • Food chains, food webs, and energy transfer
    • Importance of biodiversity and habitat conservation
    • Adaptations of organisms in various habitats
  • Genetics and Evolution
    • Basics of inheritance and variation
    • Simple concepts of evolution and natural selection
    • Fossils and evidence for evolution

Math Make Smart’s Key Stage 3 Biology Tutors: Tutors engage students with interactive lessons to build a strong foundation in these core concepts, preparing them effectively for the transition to GCSE Biology.


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GCSE Biology (Ages 14-16)

GCSE Biology is divided into Foundation and Higher Tiers, with the higher tier covering topics in greater depth. GCSE Biology enhances students’ knowledge of relatively higher levels of biological concepts and their applications and the ability to explain life processes. Online biology tutors at Math Make Smart cover all levels of difficulties within both the Foundation and the Higher tiers of biology, and the main topics that these tutors help students study include cell biology, bioenergetics, human physiology, and ecology.

They get the support for performing on the tests of how to approach difficult concepts, solve questions, and master skills for both foundation and higher tiers. Below are the major topics, with tier-specific details where applicable:

Foundation and Higher Tier Topics

  1. Cell Biology
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Structure and function of cells, cell division (mitosis)
    • Higher Tier:
      • More detailed study of cell specialization, transport mechanisms (osmosis, diffusion)
  2. Organisation
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Structure and function of tissues, organs, and organ systems
      • Basics of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
    • Higher Tier:
      • Enzyme activity and effects of pH and temperature, detailed circulatory system structure
  3. Infection and Response
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Basics of communicable diseases and body defenses
    • Higher Tier:
      • Detailed immune response, vaccination, and drug development
  4. Bioenergetics
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Introduction to photosynthesis and respiration
    • Higher Tier:
      • Detailed aerobic and anaerobic respiration, limiting factors in photosynthesis
  5. Homeostasis and Response
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Basics of nervous and endocrine systems
    • Higher Tier:
      • Detailed hormonal control, thermoregulation, and blood glucose regulation
  6. Inheritance, Variation, and Evolution
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Simple inheritance patterns and genetic variation
      • Basics of natural selection and selective breeding
    • Higher Tier:
      • Detailed study of DNA structure, genetic disorders, and evolution by natural selection
  7. Ecology
    • Foundation Tier:
      • Interdependence in ecosystems, food chains, and human impact
    • Higher Tier:
      • More complex ecosystem interactions, biodiversity, and sustainable management of resources

Math Make Smart’s GCSE Biology Tutors: Tutors offer targeted assistance for both foundation and higher tiers, reinforcing understanding through practice, effective exam strategies, and problem-solving techniques to help students excel in their GCSE exams.

A-level Biology (Ages 16-18)

A-level Biology is a detailed study of complex biological systems and principles, suitable for students aiming to pursue careers in medicine, biotechnology, environmental science, or other science-related fields. Math Make Smart tutors focus on intensive preparation for exams and provide students with a range of skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and time-scheduling. Tutors are comprehensible when explaining complicated ideas and provide online homework assistance. 


  1. Biological Molecules
    • Structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
    • Enzymes and their role in biochemical reactions
    • Importance of water and ATP in biological systems
  2. Cells
    • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure
    • Cell membranes, transport, and cell signaling
    • Cell division: mitosis and meiosis
  3. Organisms Exchange Substances with their Environment
    • Gas exchange in animals and plants
    • Transport systems: circulatory and respiratory systems
    • Water and ion balance in various organisms
  4. Genetic Information, Variation, and Relationships between Organisms
    • DNA structure and replication, protein synthesis
    • Genetic diversity, natural selection, and speciation
    • Techniques in genetic analysis (e.g., PCR, DNA fingerprinting)
  5. Energy Transfers in and between Organisms
    • Photosynthesis and factors affecting it
    • Respiration pathways: aerobic and anaerobic respiration
    • Energy and nutrient cycles in ecosystems
  6. Organisms Respond to Changes in their Internal and External Environments
    • Nervous system: structure and function of neurons
    • Muscular and endocrine systems
    • Homeostasis: thermoregulation, osmoregulation
  7. Genetics, Populations, Evolution, and Ecosystems
    • Population genetics and Hardy-Weinberg principle
    • Evolutionary processes and adaptive radiation
    • Succession, energy flow, and trophic levels in ecosystems
  8. Control of Gene Expression
    • Gene mutations and genetic control
    • Role of epigenetics in gene expression
    • Recombinant DNA technology and its applications.

How can Math Make Smart impact you for your online Biology tutoring?

Math Make Smart aims at offering student support to attain academic success and develop confidence in biology. Our tutoring services offer:

  • All our biology tutors are experts in their areas of specialization hence, the student is assured of quality, accurate, detaile,d and relevant help.
  • All the lessons are carried out in accordance with the current student’s ability and his or her future plans where people may need to obtain basic knowledge, to prepare for exams, or to continue advanced studying.
  • Our tutors teach efficient methods of working and provide accentuation on practicing the exact questions that are used for examinations.
  • Math Make Smart’s tutors also help students with homework, assignments and coursework promptly to avoid missing classes.

Book Your Demo Session Today!

At Math Make Smart, we have come to a conclusion that each student has the potential to perform well in biology, given enough help. For Key Stage 3 right through to A Levels, our tutors supply the insight, materials, and belief that enable success. Thanks to an individual approach to lesson completion and the use of the programs that pinpoint problem areas in the learning process, Math Make Smart’s offer of online biology tutoring guarantees not only curriculum absorption but also cthe reation of long-term knowledge and interest in the subject.

If you require help in biology, whether as an online tutor for biology, GCSE or A-level Biology or biology help with homewor,k then Math Make Smart is there to help all students realize their full potential every time. Our goal is to help at every level understand biology in a fun and easy way.

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